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Wholly Sanctified

“What’s born in us through trials, through the pressure, is something so beautiful and new, something life giving to the people around us. The Lord has birthed something new into the world through your character, the people you pour into, the people you disciple, the people you are able to impact.⁣

The pressure brings forth life birthed in you and poured out onto others.” - Phylicia Masonheimer⁣

What a beautiful picture of how God uses everything for our good. How He redeems everything for His glory, if we will lay it at his feet. ⁣

We often think of “for our good” as prosperity, wealth or success. What value are those things compared to knowing our Heavenly Father? ⁣

To have wept at his feet, to have him carry you through life’s storms? For him to use you to show his redemptive plan, for him to refine you by the fire?⁣

What more do we desire? But to be wholly sanctified by the Lord. ⁣

“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭


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