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What If I Didn’t Do Enough?

“You did everything you could, it was out of your control”. ⁣

But what if I didn’t...⁣

What if I was randomly sent a letter to enter Jonathan into a sleep study years ago?⁣

What if I knew I should have curbed his diet to nurture his brain better?⁣

What if I talked many times about finding a more holistic neurologist to try different things?⁣

What if I missed his appointment in December bc of work and rescheduled and missed that appointment bc we were at urgent care for his arm?⁣

What if I was lax on his medication and had just started him on a new one a few months prior and should have been more on top of monitoring his seizures and their triggers?⁣

What if we talked about getting more research done but didn’t go the extra mile to get it done? ⁣

What if I heard a still small voice whisper, “seizure” to me as I was leaving his room that night but I got distracted and didn’t even check on him on my way to bed?⁣

What if there are so many things about that weekend and years prior that haunt my thoughts and try to pull me into a drowning abyss of regret and sorrow? ⁣


This is the last picture I took of Jonathan, I don’t think anyone knows I have it unless they’ve seen it while randomly looking through my photos. ⁣

And now all of you do, but I still couldn’t share the whole picture with you. I am thankful to have it, it’s kind of that last look that people need to say goodbye. But at the same time it haunts my dreams as I go back and look at it every so often. ⁣


Changing routine and coming back is hard, it’s almost easier to not get a break from the even keel because then emotions flood back in and erupt(like this).

⁣I can see why people move but that would be difficult to leave all the memories as well. ⁣

I don’t have any wise words of wisdom, I think I am just overwhelmed with other decisions of life and feeling the ultimate pressure from my previous decisions. ⁣

I’m ok. This too shall pass. 💔


Update: My friend Michelle shared this verse with me and I wanted it to be a reminder of encouragement and comfort for anyone who reads this in the future. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭


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