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What gives us this confidence?

“You will be reunited again one day.” “They are in a better place.” “May they rest in peace.” ⁣

All things that we say, Christian or not. ⁣

For a society that promotes living only for this life, denies the existence of God, a creator of all things or a greater power than ourselves, we are quick to comfort each other about peace in the “afterlife”. ⁣

What gives us this confidence? What gives us this longing for more than the seen, the here and now? ⁣

In a conversation a few weeks ago, the person was saying that he is innately selfish, he needs to be given rules and told what to do. The truth is, WE ALL ARE. But our depravity is so much worse than we realize. ⁣

We are yearning for a creator to instruct us on how to live and how to have peace now and in the afterlife; something/someone greater than ourselves. We are searching for the meaning of life. ⁣


— we were all created to bring God glory, to be in communion and fellowship with our creator forever. ⁣

But we chose to rebel, to not believe that God’s way was best, we were separated from that communion, forever dead in our sin, condemned to eternal damnation. ⁣

BUT GOD — in His great mercy made a way for us to be made alive in Him. To be reunited in fellowship with a holy God. ⁣

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16⁣

Jesus came, lived a sinless life, died a death that we deserve, rose from the grave to conquer death and established His kingdom. All for His glory and our redemption. ⁣


— this is what your soul is yearning for. A relationship with your Heavenly Father, you are invited into His kingdom. ⁣

***Put your trust in Him today, repent and turn from your sin against the Holy God, accept his gift of forgiveness and salvation, ask Him to become the Lord of your life.*⁣**

No other message was more important to share at J’s celebration of life or to use my voice to proclaim. ⁣

We are not promised a perfect life but we can live here and in eternity with our creator, if we accept His gift of salvation. ⁣



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