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Sadness In Heaven?

Disclaimer: I know these questions are not theologically sound but stick with me until the end. (this is a glimpse into the mind of an over analyzer)🙂

I have been wondering a lot what God’s original plan was for humanity. We couldn’t just all live forever...could we? If we did die, would there be sadness felt by the people still living on earth?

If there wasn’t sadness, would that be because there would still be some sort of interaction or communication?

And if there is no sadness in heaven, how is that possible when everyone doesn’t go to heaven, if they don’t choose to make Jesus Lord of their life. Wouldn’t that make those in heaven sad, when all their loved ones are not there?

These are some of the thoughts going through my head when you see me staring off in the distance.

Not wondering what shoes are in style or what to make for dinner...just beginning and end of the world know, normal everyday questions. 😉

I think it’s a way for me to try to escape my present reality and imagine another way that life could be.

I often have these anxious tendencies and thoughts, when this happens, I have come to realize that I/my situation is made to be the focus of my life or purpose.

Through reading scripture, I am reminded that this is God’s story and my part in it is to give Him glory. And scripture also brings me back to only not worry about the future but also not drive myself crazy worrying about the past.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:13

“Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬

Instead I want to live each day asking, “Lord, how can I help tell your story today?”


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