This Is For You Mom
“...difficulties and trials in life don’t make us who we are, they reveal who we are. I believe they also reveal what we really believe about God. “ - Jentezen Franklin
In the last year or so, every time something peaked my interest, whether political, theological, current event, family, etc. Several different people and publications would start to talk about the same thing and help me investigate more or confirm my convictions. Someone would ask me about something and I would have all the research ready for them...
“ Right now you are in training for a trial you’re not yet in. Public victory comes from private discipline.” - Levi Lusko - Through the Eyes of a Lion
Earlier this year during a time of prayer and fasting, the Lord really spoke to me about praising God even when things do not go as I’m asking or think they should.
Every time I would see someone post about how God wanted to bless you and expand your influence, etc., which he does want to do for his glory. I would follow up with, “ But even if he doesn’t, I will praise him all the same.” (If I only knew how much those words would be tested. As Jonathan says in the video, “This is for you Mom.”
Of course when things are good and you are maybe asking for a better job or another important but “trivial” situation, it’s easy to say that you will praise Him no matter what.
The true test comes when you are in the middle of your worst nightmare and can’t breathe but manage to declare that God is good and because of what he did for you on the cross, to redeem you to himself, you have all you need.
“ These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. “
John 16:33