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Only In Christ

“To my daughters — as a Christ follower, your identity is found in Christ. ⁣

None of your human tendencies, sinful desires,successes or struggles define you. No matter what you do, think, or say will make God love you less or more.⁣

Once you have placed your trust in Him, ⁣

you are secure in His perfect love. ⁣

God calls us to be holy, as He is holy. ⁣

What makes us holy is daily laying down all our desires, no matter what they are, at the feet of Jesus and asking Him to change our hearts to what He desires. ⁣

I will always love you. ⁣

I will not always do it perfectly, ⁣

but Jesus always will. ⁣

Your identity is not found in your sexuality, your race, your economic status, your gender or your nationality. ⁣

Only in Christ.”⁣


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