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I received this text from a fellow mom that lost her young son 2 years ago, we are part of a club that no one wants to join.

And yes today was difficult, like every day is, it was the first major holiday celebrated by families getting together and rejoicing in Jesus Christ, the reason we have hope.

From the moment I woke up, I tried to fill my mind and heart with the joy that I can have because Jesus in Risen!

So many incredible words of hope, of good news, were shared today with a desperate world, a world that has been stopped in their tracks. A world that has been given a rare chance to put aside distractions and come to terms with our priorities and mortality.



  1. My response is more important than the reason why/my reality

  2. The promise is not void because of the pain

  3. Focus on the character of Jesus not the concerns of critics

  4. God always makes a way in the middle!

  5. The Resurrection is not an event, it’s an interruption

In our reality, there will be our dilemma, the devil will try to deceive us, we will have to make a decision to believe God’s promises, we have to put to death the lies of the devil and receive deliverance....because we hold on to the RESURRECTION.


What story will we believe? Will that story produce fear or faith?

H.O.P.E - Hold On Pain Ends

“If Jesus had not resurrected, we would not have Christianity. Without it we have nothing, but with it we can walk through anything.”


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