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For over 16 years I have identified myself as a mother of 1, 2 and then 3 children. ⁣

To the Glory of God Alone

Many times known as Alayna, Katelyn or Jonathan’s mom. ⁣

Since 2010, I never imagined that I would walk into a room and be known as a mother of only 2 girls. ⁣

Even if the people in the room only knew me as Jonathan’s mom, they most likely knew or had seen one or both of his sisters at some point. ⁣

But now when I walk into a room, I am either known as a mother of 2 girls who is grieving her son, a mother of 2 girls because they don’t know that Jonathan existed or just me because they don’t know anything at all about me. ⁣

But who am I now?⁣

We so often are identified by who we are married to, are mother’s to, our job, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and so on. But what do all those things amount to?⁣

Where or in who, do we find our identity? What do we idolize in our life and think that it defines who we are and our value?⁣

Lately I have been wanting to define who I am to people that I meet for the first time, but haven’t quite figured out how to share Jonathan with strangers as yet. ⁣

But I’ve realized that it’s a yearning for wanting to be known, to go below the surface and say that there is more than what you see or think you see. ⁣

I am trying to submit this to God and desire to truly be known and held by Him.⁣

When He looks at me he doesn’t see wife, mother, daughter, sister or friend as what defines me. ⁣

He sees the Imago Dei, made in the image of God. ⁣

He sees a life redeemed by the blood of Jesus and living through every season to give Him glory, no matter what that may look like. ❤️⁣

“Soli Deo Gloria” - Latin - Glory to God Alone


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