For over 16 years I have identified myself as a mother of 1, 2 and then 3 children.
Many times known as Alayna, Katelyn or Jonathan’s mom.
Since 2010, I never imagined that I would walk into a room and be known as a mother of only 2 girls.
Even if the people in the room only knew me as Jonathan’s mom, they most likely knew or had seen one or both of his sisters at some point.
But now when I walk into a room, I am either known as a mother of 2 girls who is grieving her son, a mother of 2 girls because they don’t know that Jonathan existed or just me because they don’t know anything at all about me.
But who am I now?
We so often are identified by who we are married to, are mother’s to, our job, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and so on. But what do all those things amount to?
Where or in who, do we find our identity? What do we idolize in our life and think that it defines who we are and our value?
Lately I have been wanting to define who I am to people that I meet for the first time, but haven’t quite figured out how to share Jonathan with strangers as yet.
But I’ve realized that it’s a yearning for wanting to be known, to go below the surface and say that there is more than what you see or think you see.
I am trying to submit this to God and desire to truly be known and held by Him.
When He looks at me he doesn’t see wife, mother, daughter, sister or friend as what defines me.
He sees the Imago Dei, made in the image of God.
He sees a life redeemed by the blood of Jesus and living through every season to give Him glory, no matter what that may look like. ❤️
“Soli Deo Gloria” - Latin - Glory to God Alone