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God's Faithfulness - Our Faithfulness

“I have learned that even though losing a child is a very unique pain, God expects the same faithfulness from us as in any other effect of this fallen world. So the circumstances may be different but we must lean on Him all the same.”

I said this to a friend recently who called me for words of wisdom in a difficult situation. I was honored to be asked to share on God’s faithfulness.

As I think of all the stories of God’s faithfulness in the Bible -- Joseph sold into captivity, Abraham asked to sacrifice Issac, Esther living as an orphan, David tending sheep, Job lost everything and everyone, Daniel in the Lion’s den, Moses leading the Israelites, Noah building the Ark, the New Testament apostles who were persecuted, jailed and martyred and so many others — all different situations, all different personalities, all different life experiences — ONE GOD.

Some looking for the Messiah to come, some walked with the Messiah and like us, some had his written Word and the eye witness testimony of others.

ONE PROMISE — He will remain faithful to see us through to the end. There will be valleys and there will be mountain tops and there is no place I would rather be than in the arms of the One that holds the whole world in his hands. 


It’s hard to believe that these 2 pictures were taken a year apart. I can still feel the pit in my stomach as we went out to dinner for the first time. I cried in the bathroom stall before taking the picture, unsure of how to order food as if all was normal.

Putting a smile on our faces and all thinking the same thoughts but no one wanting to wallow and bring the other down.

Now here we are a year later, a little wiser, a little more weathered with a little more patina around the edges, forever changed.

Behind these smiles is the faithfulness of God, the strength of a good father holding us up as we weather the storm, the promise of his presence forevermore and the bonds of love we share that can never be broken.

They say that hardship makes you stronger, but I think it’s the foundation you stand on during those hardships and those you choose to tether yourself to, that keeps you standing in the storm. ❤️ 


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