Do You Have Any Phobias?
Katelyn used to be so very afraid of heights, she wouldn’t even like being thrown in the air.
Alayna told me today that she doesn’t like small enclosed spaces, she had a bad experience a few years ago.
Yesterday we had our family counseling session via telehealth, she was telling us that we have to look at Jonathan and his life as someone that lived a full and happy 9 yrs of life and not just someone who died. That may sound like a no brainer for most and it is what most people say to you to comfort you, but it is harder than you could imagine.
After we were standing outside with our neighbors discussing spiders. It bubbled up inside of me and with all the excitement as if Jonathan was standing next to me, I said “Jonathan had arachnophobia, he would get so scared when he saw a little daddy long legs.” We all laughed and carried on the conversation telling stories of him and other things we were scared of.
It was one of the first times that I discussed him and there was genuine joy to share something about him and the ping of him not being there was just a little less.
Every moment is a journey and of course as I sit here typing, tears are running down my face but moments like that give me hope for the future. ❤️