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A few Sunday night thoughts that started out a little sad and turned into an encouragement for myself and others. ⁣

“I miss the different relationships that form from having children of different ages, at different stages of life and different genders. I used to have a place with the moms of elementary school kids and more specifically boys. Now I’m just a teenage girl mom.”⁣⁣


There is such a stigma of having children right now, that the world is somehow overpopulated. That each child is not a blessing and born for a purpose at the time appointed by our Heavenly Father. All children may not be planned by us, as we are feeble, flawed humans, but they are all fearfully and wonderfully made. ⁣

I can clearly see why there is such an attack on the family, even in the body of Christ, parents tend to gravitate towards those with children of similar ages, the family is a natural formation of relationship, a natural formation of community, a natural reflection of God’s design. ⁣

My encouragement is to reach out to those at different stages of life, parents or non parents. You may be able to support others, be supported and create friendships that are a beautiful reflection of God’s design instructed in Titus 2. ⁣

Also, don’t believe the lie that it is not a good time to have children, that the fewer children the better or that children are a nuisance. ⁣

Is having children always easy, no. But they are a beautiful way of being sanctified and growing in character and focus like nothing else can. They help expand your world, grow your empathy and give you a chance to try to parent just a little better than your parents and the cycle will continue. 😊⁣

And for those that are not able to have children of your own, mentor the children around you, parents need your wisdom and experiences; foster or adopt children in need or give resources to help where you can. ⁣

An extra bonus of you making friends with people at differing stages, so will your children and their lives will be so enriched by it. ❤️


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