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Charlie Cyrus Simpson

There are little things that bring me joy when I think about them, Jonathan being able to have Charlie is one of them. He so loved him and was so excited when we got him.

When we found Charlie his name was originally Cyrus, I saw it as a sign from God that he was rebuilding our family, just as King Cyrus had instructed for the Temple of Jerusalem to be rebuilt. We were coming off of what at the time was our hardest year as a family. And looking back now was only a training ground to exercise our faith.

And now in this season, I am holding on to God’s promise that he will redeem and rebuild in His time. (Lord please come back quickly)

Also, I have my times of getting pulled down in despair but thank you to all the friends and family that have been there to pull me back up, cry with me, give me space, remind me of God’s promises, hold on to the memories and hope for the future. ❤️


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